Our high school curriculum is based on standards adopted by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, and is aligned with graduation requirements for the state of Georgia, and specifically those required by Atlanta Adventist Academy. Students have the opportunity to earn seven units of credit each year at SACS.
Classes offered in 2018-2019:
- Algebra I (1 unit) for 9th grade
- Geometry (1 unit) for 10th grade
- Computer Literacy (1 unit) - via correspondence with onsite facilitator (Mr. Kirschmann)
- Bible II (1 unit) - Mr. Justiniano
- Biology (1 unit) - via correspondence with onsite facilitator (Mrs. Martinez
- English II (1 unit) - Miss James
- Geography (1 unit) - Miss James
- PE (1/2 unit) - Mr. Kirschmann
- Personal Finance (1/2 unit) - Mr. Kirschmann
Classes offered in 2017-2018:
- Algebra I (1 unit) for 9th grade - Mr. Kirschmann
- Geometry (1 unit) for 10th grade - Mr. Kirschmann
- Bible I (1 unit) - Mr. Justiniano
- English I (1 unit) - Miss James
- Earth Science (1 unit) - Mrs. Martinez
- Spanish I (1 unit) for 9th grade - via correspondence with onsite facilitator
- Spanish II (1 unit) for 10th grade - via correspondence with onsite facilitator
- World History (1 unit) - Miss James
- PE (1/2 unit) - Mr. Kirschmann
- Health (1/2 unit) - Ms. Macumber
5 hours (minimum) of Community Service will be required each year of high school at SACS.